Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cucumber and Feta Salad

We do occasionally eat things other than salad around here (more on that soon), but recently it has been very tempting to just stick to easy, light, and spring-y salads on the nights when we are at home to cook. The beauty of this salad is that it can actually be enjoyed year-round, since none of the ingredients are particularly seasonal. The original recipe does call for mint (which does first appear in the spring), but I must say that I've made it without the mint plenty of times (since it's hard to come by at our local Whole Foods even in the spring), and I don't think the end result is any less delicious. (I also skip the red onion given my aversion to uncooked onions).

And, since I cannot seem able to stop taking pictures of flowering trees and bushes around school, here's another one for you:


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